Competition Law

Seminar in Bucharest - Go online and see it live

The second training seminar of the "Online training tool for European Judges on private enforcement of EU competition law” project* will take place in Bucharest, on February 2016. The exactly date of the event and the draft agenda will be announced at the end of December, 2015.

The seminar is part of a series of two events that will form the basis of an online video training module in the field of private enforcement of competition law. The sessions will be filmed and the recordings will be later incorporated in the module.

For whom?

The seminar is dedicated to EU judges and prosecutors, as well as to apprentice national judges, and the staff of the judges’ offices or of national courts. Participants must be from EU Member States, with the exception of Denmark and the United Kingdom.

On what?

The seminar taking place in Brussels will be focused on the following issues:

  • Evidence, part 1: on what topics; managing evidence including disclosure
  • Evidence, part 2: counterfactuals; experts
  • Causation and damages: presumption of harm; leniency; passing on; contribution
  • Completing a case: consensual dispute resolution; collective actions and settlements; judgments, enforcement and informing the Commission; costs

Who will be there? How can I register?

The speakers are reputed legal experts:

  • Adam SCOTT, founding member of the Competition Commission Appeal Tribunals, Director of Studies
  • Liam McKECHNIE, a Justice of the Supreme Court of Ireland
  • Diana UNGUREANU, trainer for judges on commercial law and competition law, National Institute of Magistracy, judge at Court of Appeal Pitești, Romania.
  • Marcus Smith, chairman of the UK competition appeal tribunal

Participants can register until January, 29, 2016. Accommodation and meals are covered for all participants. Travel costs can be reimbursed in the limit of 350 Euro per participant.

Online live feed

The seminar will have a live feed on the project`s website.

Interested judicial actors can watch it live and can pose questions online.The latter will be addressed in the interactive sessions of the seminar.

For registration please contact Ramona Diaconu, Events and Logistics Coordinator, at

* The initiative is funded by the European Commission, DG Competition, through the Civil Justice Programme.

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Seminar in Brussels - Go online and see it live